On Tue, Mar 14, 2000 at 11:21:58AM +1100, Brian May wrote:
> Hello All,
> details at:
> http://www.debian.org/Bugs/db/57/57469.html
> I submitted this bug report and labelled at is important, since it
> prevented me from installing other packages (unless I put it on
> hold). I have since heard other people on debian-devel say that such a
> bug should be grave.

Would be nice if you had included all of this useful info in your bug
report. However, when you filed the bug, you had a version older than the
one that I uploaded to (attemp to) fix the bug. It was pretty safe for me
to assume that you were not using the latest one, and thus the bug report
was irrelevant.

Next time please email me with correct version numbers and explain things
a little better, other than just "it still doesn't work". I've never been
able to reproduce this, on any of the 4 machines that I am running the
server on.

Also, I only know of two other people that had this problem, and both of
them said that it was fixed with my last upload. Given that I cannot
reproduce it, and two people say it is fixed, then I am left to believe
that the problem is solved.

Sorry that you had to resort to this, it will be fixed soon enough.


/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \

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