I am going to attempt to install Potato over a
28.8/56k modem.  I have downloaded and 'burned' all 15
floppies needed for the basic system, and will install
that first.  Then I will set up PPP, and fire up
dselect (apt method).  I have already done this at
work (but on a T1->lan->proxy setup).

  I expect that the process will take several
'over-night' runs.  You don't need to download 650mb
worth of stuff, I suspect that for a typical debian
install < 100mb of 'stuff' actually is needed to be
downloaded.  There are a LOT of functionaly duplicate
packages, little used packages, and source packages on
the CD's that few people make use of.  That's why many
of the books can come with Debian on a single CD, they
have prunned out the stuff that most people won't use
leaving a still very functional representation of

In my case my dialup connection is a local call
(basicly free) and $19.95 a month (for up to something
like 250hrs) for the isp.  This is probably typical
for the average US user, I realize that in Europe and
elsewhere you are probably paying more.  I am still
waiting on GD Flashcom to get my IDSL connection
working, I had hoped it would be up by the time Potato
was frozen but I will try the modem method meantime. 
Others have told me that they installed Debian this
way, so I will try it at least once.
>Steve Greenland wrote:
>> There is nothing stopping anyone from making
>>snapshot releases of
>> unstable. Mirror the archive. Burn a CD. Done.
>>That's what a snapshot
>> is.

>As one of the many people who does not have cheap,
>fast, reliable
>internet access, I would like to say that for me
to>>> >mirror 650 MB
>of debian and burn a CD of it would cost around $130
>in charges 
>and 2 and a half days of straight downloading if I
was >lucky. 
>Probably much longer. 

>So I'd like snapshots, but really I run stable run
>until the
>moment frozen becomes stable at which I can get a CD
>on which
>everything has a good chance of working, because if
>breaks I'm pretty much stuffed.


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