On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 11:21:14PM -0800, Robert Stone wrote:
> Package: mgeupsd
> Architecture: any
> Conflicts: powstatd, bpowerd, genpower

Provides: ups-monitor
Conflicts: ups-monitor

This will catch all the other ups daemons.

I am packaging Network UPS Tools (NUT). I have finished and am just waiting
for my sponsor to upload the package. NUT will soon be a woody package.

NUT provides a pretty decent client/server architecture for supporting
multiple boxen on one UPS. The project provides interfaces to wide variety of

I am not the author of NUT. However, if you are the author of mbgeupsd, you
may wish to contribute to NUT.

NUT can be found at http://www.exploits.org/nut/

Just an idea,


Luca Filipozzi, EMYRnet

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