On Mon 13 Mar 2000, Stephen Zander wrote:

> >>>>> "Joseph" == Joseph Carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     Joseph> Only 6000?  We must be getting lazy.  6000 is way too
>     Joseph> easy.  Better try for 8000.
> Now one ever thought the Dow would break 10k: took 'em 10yrs to get
> from 3k to there.  I'm sure we can do it in 2yrs (which is about when
> woody will be out, right? :))

I still think we should be honest and report the number of source
packages, not binary packages; e.g. I find the following all parts of
just one package:


It _is_ useful to be able to install these separate parts, of course...

Paul Slootman
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