Nils Jeppe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Sat, 4 Mar 2000, Andrew D Lenharth wrote:
> > > I'm in the midst of doing this myself.  There are even two impeding
> > > pieces of consumer electronics about to hit the market which will play
> > > an ISO-9660 CDROM with mp3's on it.
> > 
> > I did this. DO you know how cheep a CDROM tower is?  Mine is populated
> > with 4x drives which is plenty
> I just keep all my mp3-encodedd CD's on harddisk. It's almost 6GB, but
> hd's are really cheap these days and it means I never, ever have to swap
> cd's anymore. Plus I get some additional space on my shelves since I
> could move all my cd's into the basement :-)

I keep them all on hard disk; I have two niftp 27 GB disks on my
machine, so that has plenty of room for all my music.

The reason I want the consumer electronics I mentioned is for
*portable* use.  I'm going to burn all these mp3s back onto (way
fewer) CD-ROMs and I can cart them around with me easily.  

The consumer electronics are portable Discman like things, which play
either regular audio CDs or CD-ROMs containing mp3s.


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