On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 01:17:56AM -0500, Jaldhar H. Vyas wrote:
> On Wed, 15 Mar 2000, Fabien Ninoles wrote:
> > However, I'ld like to see a standard meta-info files about
> > the package, which had informations necessary to create a packages, like
> > compilation commands, files (including informations like documentation,
> > binary or data), menu entries (means execution), name, author, copyright
> > file, changelog files, daemon, etc... This will really help to create more
> > package and even an automated tools (just like autoconf) that generate
> > everything needed according to your installation. I'm not sure if it's
> > feasible but I'ld thought that a tool like autoconf wasn't possible too
> > if I doesn't use it so often ;)
> > 
> Didn't someone recently do an ITP for a program that let you create
> packages in different formats?  If it works well it would be cool.

That would be me.  The package is in Incoming for unstable (it's
called "epm").  It's evidently in use by its creators to distribute
commercial packaged software, so one would assume it doesn't suck too

It was my thought to enhance it in such a way that it could be used to 
create "official-quality" Debian packages (assuming that it isn't
already).  Then people (like, say, 3Dfx :-) could be persuaded to
produce EPM package description files instead of RPMs, and a developer 
would have the comparatively easy job of just running epm on the files 
and uploading.

At least, that's the theory.  At the very least, it should work OK for 
producing mostly-Debian-friendly packages with little effort, or
bootstrapping the creation of "official" packages.

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