On Sun, Mar 19, 2000 at 09:04:24PM -0300, Nicolás Lichtmaier wrote:
> > > >  >The /etc/Muttrc in the mutt package makes a fruit salad of mutt.
> > > > Most people like it.
> > > 
> > > BTW, the default key bindings in mutt are horribly broken. No key does
> > > what someone would expect.
> > 
> > that depends on what you're used to. if you've been using elm for years
> > then mutt's key binding are perfectly 'natural'
> > 
> > i used pine for years before switching to mutt. took me several days to
> > re-train my fingers for the right keys, but the effort was worth it. i
> > tried using the pine emulation bindings but they were more trouble for
> > me than just learning the mutt keys.
> > 
> > i've been using mutt for long enough now that pine's key bindings seem
> > clumsy and awkward.
>  No way, there's no room for discussion. 

there's lots of room for discussion. you are inflating minor annoyances
into end-of-the-earth disasters.

> Up and down arrow keys doesn't scroll a message ap & down?

yeah, that's annoying at first. you get used to it, though.

to scroll up and down by a single line, use Enter (down) and Del (up).
this is a reasonably common keybinding - i've seen other programs
(including more) use the same.

personally, i'd like to use the vi-keys 'j' and 'k' for next and prev
messages as they do now, but the arrow keys for scrolling up and down
within a message.

i don't care enough about it though to write a patch...or even to submit
a wishlist bug report. any change like that might make some new users
happier but is bound to piss off long-time users when the program they
have been using for years suddently starts behaving very differently
after an upgrade.

arrow keys suck, anyway. they are unreliable as any extra delays (e.g.
lagged network link) can change the timing between the characters sent
when an arrow key is pressed. if the timing changes too much, then you
don't get an arrow key, you get ESC followed by garbage.

the vi-like keystrokes are safer. they work no matter how lagged your
net link is.

> Pg-down advancing to next message?

PgDn scrolls down the message, as expected.  PgUp scrolls back up.

the only annoying thing is that if you are already at the end of a
message, then PgDn takes you to the next message.

this should be optional behaviour. maybe it already is...it has never
annoyed me enough to find out.

> The key binding are so insame that prevent people (newbies) fom
> using mutt, they first must to learn how to change those defaults to
> something acceptable.

it's not that bad. if newbies can pick up emacs' horribly contorted key
bindings then mutt's a doddle.


craig sanders

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