On Sun, Mar 26, 2000 at 04:00:54PM +0200, Nils Jeppe wrote:
> > Given every report I've heard to the contrary, I'm not sure I believe
> > that.  I've also been told that there are cases where their tests produce
> > false positives.
> I don't see how you can create a false positive on a relay test. Either
> the message gets through, and you're an open relay, or it doesn't, and
> you're fine. It's quite simple, really.

Or it appears to have been accepted and goes nowhere.  I've seen a setup
or two like this specifically for the purposes of tracking who was trying
to use the relay...

ie, one rabid anti-spam group blacklisted another because their methods
happened to conflict.  It's rather amusing to say the least.
Unfortunately, it demonstrates that ORBS is a little more indiscriminant
than perhaps is good.

Joseph Carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>               GnuPG key 1024D/DCF9DAB3
Debian GNU/Linux (http://www.debian.org/)         20F6 2261 F185 7A3E 79FC
The QuakeForge Project (http://quakeforge.net/)   44F9 8FF7 D7A3 DCF9 DAB3

<Knghtbrd> It's a trackball for one
<wichert> so it's not a rodent
<wichert> it's a turd with a ball sticking out
<wichert> which you fondle constantly

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