Michael Vogt wrote:
> Ok, stupid me. I had a line likes this in my debian/config:
> "db_input medium shared/ldapns/ldap-server || true"
> So, the question is allways asked. 

I don't see why the question would always be asked. Debconf defaults to
only asking questions if the user has not seen them before. I think the
above should work just fine.

> db_metaget shared/ldapns/ldap-server owners
> if [ "libpam-ldap" = $RET ] || [ "$1" = "reconfigure" ]; then
>         db_input medium shared/ldapns/ldap-server || true 
> if
> db_go
> -------------------------------8<--------------------------------------
> This works, debconf asks for the ldap-server, if libpam-ldap is the first
> package that sets this value and if shared/ldapns/ldap-server is allready
> owned by another package, debconf is quiet.

That's incorrect, multiple packages can own a value, and multiple owners
may be set by debconf before *any* of the packages is configured.

see shy jo

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