On Fri, Mar 24, 2000 at 08:56:15AM -0300, Eduardo Marcel Macan wrote:
>       Hello, I noticed Jazz++ (www.jazzware.com) is now released under
> the GPL, is there anyone working on it? Unfortunately I don't have the time
> to do it, but I'd like to see it packaged. It is the best linux midi sequencer
> nowadays.

I tried, but it would not build and failed in several places.

It is written mostly in C++, and I don't know C++.  Not to mention the fact
that I do have one or two other packages on my plate.

Someone who does, please adopt this package.  As added incentive, if you get
it working, you'll a get a "avoid-Overfiend-bitch-out-for-free" card.  This
offer is valid for a limited time only!  Not for pets or small children.

G. Branden Robinson            |     Communism is just one step on the long
Debian GNU/Linux               |     road from capitalism to capitalism.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]         |     -- Russian saying
roger.ecn.purdue.edu/~branden/ |

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