On Thu, Mar 30, 2000 at 01:30:58PM -0600, Zed Pobre wrote:
>     This started me thinking.  Someone earlier lamented the
> difficulties in using experimental.  I would like to see experimental
> moved into the same tree as stable, frozen, unstable and have a
> Packages file generated.

experimental already has a Packages file generated, and where it is in
the tree is more or less irrelevant.

> New packages (and perhaps all new upstream
> releases) would be autoinstalled into experimental until they had been
> there for a month

This gets rid of the main use of experimental which is to distinguish
packages that'll probably destroy your system, against ones that shouldn't
but might because, well, anything's *possible*.

> (or someone could get to the overrides file for
> unstable, whichever is longer), and packages with Grave or worse bugs
> open longer than a week (or maybe 2 weeks) would be moved there.

A different way of doing it is to leave unstable as it is (ie, new packages
get lumped into unstable whether they work or not, assuming they're not
/likely/ to trash your system), and instead add a new distribution inbetween
stable and unstable, that has some of the properties of stable (ie, packages
have more or less stabilised, they've been tested for a while, they've got
few/no RC bugs, they work on all architectures, packages don't have huge
dependency problems).

Particularly the latter of these is a fairly complicated technical problem
to solve. Exercise to the interested reader: try it at home. Implement your
solution. Time it. Try to optimise it. (20pts)

For the less interested reader, point your browser at
http://auric.debian.org/~ajt/. For the reader who doesn't give a stuff and
just wants to cut to the chase, point apt at, hopefully,
        deb http://auric.debian.org/~ajt/ testing main

It's still very alpha, and relies heavily on the autobuilders being up
to date against woody, which isn't the case while we're frozen. As such,
please be wary of mirroring this: when we think it's really worth the
effort of mirroring it'll probably go into /pub/debian/dists, and until
then, it's quite probably a waste of bandwidth.

Source is theoretically available, but only by ssh'ing to auric and poking
around in my home directory.

> This
> would allow lintian checks to become a prerequisite for unstable,
> especially now that developers can write their own overrides for
> special cases. 

Someone would need to go through all the lintian checks and see which
ones are actually worth making RC. Not all of them are by a long shot.

> > personally, i'm not going to hold my breath waiting for the stable
> > release cycle to speed up. it's a big job, and one that grows enormously
> > for every release. we had around 2000 packages for slink. we now have
> > approx 4000 for potato....and already nearly 5000 for woody - and potato
> > isn't even out the door!
>     One of the things that might help this would be continuous freeze.
> As soon as a release is made, whatever is in unstable at that moment
> is frozen for the next release.  This will become more feasable as
> package graduation becomes more refined, I think.

Note that I at least, refuse to fork my packages during the freeze. It's
just too painful to work with.

>     I've been around for less than half that, but I do remember a
> nasty bash/libreadline bug that flattened a number of systems that I
> would not have wanted to encounter on a production system, as well as
> a few X problems.  Furthermore, I would not want to deal with an
> application server running unstable.  While I admit that the quality
> of Debian packages is generally quite high even in unstable, I would
> remain rather wary of recommending it for production servers.

There was a cute grep bug a while ago too, that made grep simply not work
if you specified the files to grep on the command line (or the other
way around, I forget). There are lots of cute bugs around in unstable
now and then, but they're generally easy to recover from if you have a
clue. If you don't want to have to have a clue for production servers
(and I for one don't), well, that's what stable's for.

Possibly, it'll also be what `testing' will be for, up to a point, when and
if it actually works.

BTW, I've been thinking recently. The original point of `testing' was
to make it easier for us to release (you've got a whole semi-unstable
distribution that's up-to-date and more or less bugfree from the word
go. No more bug horizons, just a few finishing touches, some organised
testing on the final product, and voila!), and hence make it easier for
us to release more often.

I wonder, though, if that's really a good idea. At some point, frequent
releases are just a downright pain, even with Debian's fetish towards
in-place and partial upgradability. Maybe it'd be better to just keep
releasing once-a-year or so (with any extra security-fixes), and let
people who really want new packages upgrade to testing. As opposed to
making a release every three, four or six months, say.

And, of course, none of this solves our current problem, which is that
there's just too many *new* RC bugs. 140 new, previously unreported,
RC bugs in the last fortnight or so. Scary.


Anthony Towns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/>
I don't speak for anyone save myself. GPG encrypted mail preferred.

 ``The thing is: trying to be too generic is EVIL. It's stupid, it 
        results in slower code, and it results in more bugs.''
                                        -- Linus Torvalds

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