Hello Sam,

Debian is an effort driven by volunteers. Our focus is free software,
although we also provide ftp space for non-free software which can be
distributed in debian format at no cost, if there is a volunteer to
maintain it for Debian.

On Wed, Aug 16, 2000 at 04:01:00PM -0700, Sam Sim wrote:
> I am familiar with you operating system and wanted to contact you.  I
> represent VirtualTek Corp. here in Seattle, WA., http://joydesk.com.  Our
> flagship product, Joydesk, is a web-based PIM application (email, calendar,
> address book, message board and task list), designed specifically for Linux
> platform.

I visited your web site and could not find out any information regarding the
license under which you distribute joydesk. Debian, as a volunteer effort
driven by a community, does not promise to ship any software package, but if
there is a volunteer to package it for Debian, and it is free software,
nobody will prevent its inclusion into Debian. Our definition of free is
strong, and can be found at


We request the source code and everyones right to modify and distribute modified
versions as source code and binaries. Even if you have no free license for
your software, a volunteer might want to package it for the non-free area of
the ftp archive, but less likely so. Note that in any case non-free software
can not be part of the Debian GNU/Linux distribution, and there must not be
a royalty for a copy of your software.

> When available, I would like to
> contact you, as we will be in your area towards the end of September.

Debian is spread all over the world, and there is no authority you can
contact about this matter. There are no offices. The best way to make sure
your software gets included into Debian is 1. Give it a free software license,
2. Have some employee join Debian and package your software for Debian.

The second step might not be necessary if your software is interesting
enough for a volunteer who already is or wants to become a Debian maintainer
to package it for you.

I hope this email sheds some light on the issue you are facing. The free
software community is not organized like a company, and Debian is a
non-commercial volunteer effort right at the heart of the movement.
Please understand that we can not accommodate ourselve to your corporate
needs, but we will be happy to not stand in your way if you want to
contribute to our efforts.

Thank you,

`Rhubarb is no Egyptian god.' Debian http://www.debian.org Check Key server 
Marcus Brinkmann              GNU    http://www.gnu.org    for public PGP Key 
http://homepage.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/Marcus.Brinkmann/       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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