On Fri, 18 Aug 2000, Edward Betts wrote:

> Jules Bean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'd just like to bring up the only point which really worries me about
> > all this... what is the incentive for people to run their machines on
> > 'unstable'?
> I for one like the bleeding-edge. I like stuff that breaks, because I get to
> fix it. I like filing bug reports. There are other twisted people like me. I
> will run unstable.

Actually, unstable is wonderful for desktop machines -- Debian developers
are conservative enough that the programs in "unstable" are actually
pretty stable, and on the desktop "lastest and best" is way more important
then "rock solid" (IOW, on the desktop I'm prepared to have applications
crash at the rate on seen in "unstable", meaning just enough to be able
to file a bug report every now and then)

There is no IGLU cabal.

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