On Sat, Aug 19, 2000 at 06:00:54PM -0600, Dwayne C . Litzenberger wrote:
> > no it wouldn't, as soon as that database gets corrupted in whatever
> > way your completly screwed and have to reinstall.
> That's why I suggested a *cacheing* system for the text database.  Every write

sorry i have not followed this thread very close.

> operation happens twice (once in the binDB, once in the txtDB), but every read
> operation can come straight from the binDB.  Hashing could be used to check if
> the text database is still equal to the binary database.

it seems to me that this would make things slower since everything is
written twice, the text database would still have to be processed in
order to update it properly, so i don't think installing packages
would be much faster, if not slower.  

querying would indeed be fast but as i mentioned that can be better
achieved by rebuilding a binary database with a cron job as in

Ethan Benson

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