I am not sure if this list is the right one for this discussion. Please
point me to the correct one.

I am new to the development environment in Debian. I sometimes ran into
inconvenience when I try to contribute to a package/project. And I
realize that "Debian" hasn't such high quality criteria as I thought.

A package should have this minimal informations
 - link/info about the related upstream project (website)
 - this should appear in the package source (e.g. README file) and in
   the Debian package Tracker

This isn't much, isn't it? For some problems this is essential to
contribute to a package. E.g. I need upstream to check if a problem is
reported or fixed their. But sometimes this info is missing. And I
don't want to waste the maintainers time and ressources to ask such
simple questions: "Who is upstream?"

A nice to have (for me a must have) would be that upstream have to
provide a manpage. It should be up to the Debian staff to do the
documentation for upstream! There is enough other more important work
for Debian staff.

What do you think?

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