at bottom :-

On 02/09/2018, Emmanuel Bourg <> wrote:
> On 31/08/2018 18:27, shirish शिरीष wrote:
>> 1.2 Location of this FAQ
>> This FAQ is published under the Debian Documentation Project at
>> The java-common
>> (available at provides an HTML
>> version for offline reading.
>> this is no longer true -
> I refactored java-common 3 years ago to split the documentation from the
> default Java packages. The policy and the FAQ are now in the java-policy
> repository:
> Merge requests to update the documentation are welcome :)
> Emmanuel Bourg

Dear all,

Thank you Emmanuel for sharing the links.

These are the things I have done at my end -

1. Forked the repo. to my salsa namespace -

2. Cloned the repo. at my end -

~/games$ git clone
Cloning into 'java-policy'...
warning: redirecting to
remote: Enumerating objects: 1115, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (1115/1115), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (356/356), done.
remote: Total 1115 (delta 727), reused 1115 (delta 727)
Receiving objects: 100% (1115/1115), 206.11 KiB | 64.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (727/727), done.

I am using as my guide.

3. Created a branch at my end -

~/games/java-policy$ git checkout -b faqchanges
Switched to a new branch 'faqchanges'

Now while I'm doing the nominal changes am stuck at certain points -

a. <version>$Revision: 7831 $, $Date: 2013-06-05 21:17:15 +0100 $

how is the revision and time-stamp derived. If I were to guess it would be
something to do with moinmoin ?

b. In 2.2 at

gcj and libgcj:

Classpath Most of the Standard classes for
Java 1.2 (except Swing and RMI) are implemented by the ClassPath
project, it tries to build an alternative to jdk's 1.2 core classes.
(NB: This was removed from Squeeze)

Should this content be there anymore ? - guess both can be removed as
nothing of the two projects remain

Even Most free Java development is grouped under the Free Java Project
which links to doesn't have much
except the classpath history .

I was surprised to know that gnu java which at one point was a
high-priority project was deprecated within gcc

c. In 2.4.2 I am not sure what links should be put in place of and

d. For
esp. the non-free java would need to pursue the launchpad ppa archive

e. 4.5 How can I use the proprietary version of the JDK/JRE from
Oracle as a Debian package?

This probably needs an updated answer, either we give the same link as
above i.e.
or maybe something else as
is no longer sufficient :(

I did couple of commits and have put the same as a merge requests at just
for comparison purposes whether it's good or not.

Quite a few questions of the above need answering before the same can
be considered somewhat done (for now) .

          Shirish Agarwal  शिरीष अग्रवाल
  My quotes in this email licensed under CC 3.0
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