Am 08.07.19 um 20:21 schrieb Javier Fernandez-Sanguino:
> Also relevant is that the documents from the mirror are used in the
> DVD/CD/Blu-ray images. I would rather continue shiping the FAQ via the
> mirrors.
> This currently means using BYHAND rules, but maybe ftp-master can
> propose an alternative mechanism to sync the contents to that directory?
> (there could be a regular task to pull the information from the package
> or to pull from the web). 
>     I personally like our mirrors to be somewhat self-contained by shipping
>     not just software but also some instructions.
> I agreed with the above. Specially considering that some may receive
> this content not via the mirrors network but via the media we
> prepare/distribute with each release.


you're right, I've re-added those BYHAND rules and the converted package
builds fine for me. I think we should create a release soon, so that we
can see if everything still works as expected. More testers are welcome!

Your suggestion with an alternative mechanism for ftp-master to update
those files on the archive mirrors (instead of BYHAND) is great. We
should ask them about ideas how this could work. However, I think they
may need some time off so shortly after the release ... :-)


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