Hi Stuart,

Stuart Prescott <stu...@debian.org> wrote (Sat, 3 Jun 2023 14:45:46 +1000):
> > - The list of archs is hardcoded in the Makefile for now.
> The following might provide you with some useful way of not hard-coding 
> such information:
>       curl -s 'https://api.ftp-master.debian.org/suite/bookworm'
> (pipe that into « jq -r '.architectures[]' » to get just the archs as 
> plain text)

I managed to get a list of all relevant architectures via
curl -s 'https://api.ftp-master.debian.org/suite/testing' | jq -r 
'.architectures[]' | grep -v all | grep -v source

> You might want to make that a 'maintainer-run' step rather than is run 
> occasionally as part of preparing a release, rather than as a build time 
> step. That is, the maintainer runs that from a machine with internet 
> access to find the list of archs that should be used; this is then 
> cached in the repo until it is next refreshed. There is precedent for 
> this 'maintainer-run' step in various "make dist' mechanisms (from the 
> autotools world) and how the dh-python packages prepares a cache of 
> known python modules in the archive for later module→package translation.

I created a prepare-release.sh script, which can be used to prepare the
release-notes for the next stable.
That script creates an archlist file, which holds the relevant archs for
the current testing.

Thanks for helping me with that!

> There has been talk for a while about how we might avoid baking in 
> internal metadata in packages and there might be more inspiration on how 
> to do this in other parts of the project:
>       https://wiki.debian.org/SuitesAndReposExtension
> (there are already a couple of entries there for the release notes)

Shouldn't the above solution be added to that wiki page?
(I don't see it there, right?)


Holger Wansing <hwans...@mailbox.org>
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