Control: retitle -1 document how to un-ignore files ignored by default in "3.0 
(native)" and "3.0 (quilt)"

On Wed, 15 Jan 2014, peter green wrote:
> When attempting to build such a package using the 3.0 native format
> the source package build and binary package builds will succeed, but
> the "source" package won't actually contain the binaries that were
> in the source tree and so when someone comes to unpack said source
> package again to make a change they will find it is incomple.
> IMO silently ignoring such files is a crazy default, either the
> files should be included or source package build should scream and
> die (thus prompting the packager that they need to either fix thier
> clean target or override something).

It doesn't silently ignore random binary files, it ignores the files
that are on its default ignore list and which are documented
in dpkg-source --help:

  -I[<pattern>]            filter out files when building tarballs
                             (defaults to: -I*.a -I*.la -I*.o -I*.so -I.*.sw? 
-I*/*~ -I,,* -I.[#~]* -I.arch-ids -I.arch-inventory -I.bzr -I.bzr.backup 
-I.bzr.tags -I.bzrignore -I.cvsignore -I.deps -I.git -I.gitattributes 
-I.gitignore -I.gitmodules -I.hg -I.hgignore -I.hgsigs -I.hgtags -I.shelf 
-I.svn -ICVS -IDEADJOE -IRCS -I_MTN -I_darcs -I{arch}).

So yes, *.a, *.la, *.o and *.so are ignored by default in native source package
and this is is so for as long as I can remember.

If you are unhappy with the default, please change it for your package
with debian/source/options:


As soon as you start being explicit about the ignore rules, the default
ignore rules are no longer used but you can put the default ignore rule
back with a single "tar-ignore" (i.e. without value).

This probably ought to be better documented. Retitling the bug accordingly.

Raphaël Hertzog ◈ Debian Developer

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