
On Tue, Oct 02, 2018 at 04:48:30AM +0200, Guillem Jover wrote:
> This includes the following
> changes which I've started coding:
>   * DPKG_PAGER (equivalent to PAGER, so it will accept arguments).
>   * Set LESS (if unset) to something along the lines of -FRSXMQ, which
>     sould fix the clear-screen-problem, the ugly-output, and
>     blocking-on-pager-when-unnecessary.
>   * New --no-pager option (that can be set in the config file, for
>     dpkg, although dpkq-query does not currently honor any config,
>     but I might need to implement something for the path mapping
>     options anyway in the future).
>   * I could see perhaps a mode where the Description is omitted?
>   * If you still want the truncating behavior, I could introduce it
>     back under a new option such as --width=fit-to-screen vs =auto vs
>     =<COLUMNS> or similar.

these all seem pretty useful/nice to me, thanks for your work & feedback

> On Fri, 2018-09-28 at 11:40:38 +0000, Holger Levsen wrote:
> > also, running eg 'dpkg -l dpkg' and then ending up in less is confusing
> > and breaking >20y old habbits, and then I press 'q' and get exit code 1.
> Ah! That's actually a bug, the process dies from a SIGPIPE, I'll fix
> that.

ah! thanks! :)


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