On Sun, 28 Nov 2021 09:48:22 +0100 Niels Thykier <ni...@thykier.net> wrote:

> This is a consequence of the currently incomplete "/usr-merge"
> transition, where /bin has been merged into /usr/bin without dpkg's back.
> As such, dpkg knows those paths only by their "officially declared"
> paths in /bin. It is obviously confusing to you as a user because you
> then have to "know" whether to search for /usr/bin/P or /bin/P.
> As a work around you can use a wild card search, such as:
> dpkg -S '*/bin/ls'

I suppose this means I don't actually understand how dpkg works at all. 
The files are there in /usr/bin, and SOMETHING, presumably an installer
run by dpkg the most recent time coreutils was updated, installed them. 
But dpkg does not know which installer was running at the time?  Does it
rely on some information separate from keeping track of the actual files
written while an installer is running, to know which installer was
responsible for writing the files?  That's very unexpected at least to
me.  It seems like manually maintaining the lists would be a lot more
work than coding the automatic tracking I had assumed was happening. 
I'd be interested in understanding the design constraints that make it

Not that it makes much difference on the ground right now.  The news
relevant to this is, it's on your radar already as an issue with this
migration/merge situation, and I'm not bringing up anything that
wouldn't eventually get fixed otherwise.  So I suppose all there is to
say is "known issue" and "workaround available" and close this when you
get to it in the due course of the migration work.  I hope various
aspects of this don't cause you too many more headaches. 

Honestly I don't have much opinion on the /bin and /usr/bin merger; the
pros and cons seem balanced on a knife edge to me.  It seems like an
objectively good impulse to reduce complexity, but it also seems like a
hell of a lot of work, pain, and confusion to go through right now for
what will be, in any particular future year, only a very minor benefit. 
On the third hand there won't come a time in the future when it's easier
or less painful than right now, so the choice is existential; rather
than "when", we face "whether at all" because the pro and con arguments
are unlikely to change.


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