Matthew Johnson <> writes:
> On Sun Jan 03 19:57, Russ Allbery wrote:

>> Symlinks in /etc pointing to files not in /etc are used now, so I'm not
>> sure they should be Policy violations.  /etc/nologin is the canonical
>> example.  Depending on how and whether Debian adopts upstart, we may
>> have other cases.

> Shouldn't they be files in /etc pointed to by symlinks not in /etc?

That's a much more common case, but there are instances, such as with
/etc/nologin, where there are reasons not to do that.  (The specific
difficulty with /etc/nologin is that /etc is allowed to be read-only.)

With upstart, packages that only support upstart jobs can support legacy
init systems by shipping a symlink to an upstart helper that supports the
init script syntax instead of an init script.  This isn't currently
allowed in Debian due to the required dependencies, but it's one possible
transition path should Debian adopt Ubuntu's upstart system.

Russ Allbery (               <>

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