Jonathan Nieder <> writes:

> Some test cases (or methods for producing them) would make me very
> happy.  dpkg doesn’t have enough automated tests of basic functionality.
> Automake provides a rudimentary test harness [2].

Given that a fair bit of dpkg is written in Perl, which means that people
are already familiar with the Perl test harness, you may want to consider
using my C TAP Harness framework for writing tests instead.

It implements a pure C version of Perl's Test::Harness and prove (which is
useful because prove isn't entirely happy with tests not written in Perl),
but probably more relevantly, it provides TAP libraries for writing tests
in C and shell.

The Automake test harness is okay, but I really like the Perl test
framework output and its test protocol.

Russ Allbery (               <>

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