Hi there,

I've come to believe that binary diff packages are not the best way of
solving this issue. Intead I'd like to propse a radically different
solution to this issue.

The gist of it: instead of adding a format for how deltas work, I
propose to introduce a new format for storing Debian packages that will
be used for both the initial installation _and_ incremental updates.

This idea was inspired by the following talk given by Lennart
Poettering about a new tool he's written (which is already packaged for
Debian by the way):

Now to my proposal:

A Debian package currently consists of two files: control.tar.gz and
data.tar.xz (or .gz). What I want to propose is a new format that does
not contain a data.tar.xz at all. Instead I'd like to split the
data.tar.xz into chunks and have the new format only contain an index
that references these chunks. Let me call this new format "cdeb" for
"chunked deb".

A .deb package can be decomposed trivially into a .cdeb via the
following process:

  - uncompress data.tar.xz to obtain data.tar
  - split data.tar into chunks (see below)
  - create a list of cryptographically secure hashes of these chunks
    and store them in an index file
  - compress each chunk individually
  - the .cdeb would then contain control.tar.gz and data.chunks.gz,
    where the latter is the aforementioned chunk index

If you have a .cdeb package and all the chunks it references, one can
unpack that by decompressing each chunk in order, concatenating them
and then running tar.

In and by itself this just gives us a lot more overhead. However, there
are two key ideas that additionally come into play here:

1. The way the chunks are split: instead of splitting this up into
chunks of a fixed size, use a rolling hash function instead. Lennart's
casync tool uses Buzhash for this. The basic idea behind a rolling
hash is that you update the hash function with each byte until the
current hash value fulfills a certain property (such as that it's
divisible by a specific number). That's when you put a chunk boundary
there. This has the consequence that even if you insert a byte into
the data stream that is being chunked at some point this will only have
local consequences, and once you're far away from that position you
will still have the chunk boundaries placed at the same points.

Note that the hash function used here is just for splitting the files
up (and is not a cryptographic hash function); a separate hash function
is to be used to identify chunks once they're split.

2. Reconstruction of data.tar from the currently installed package.
When doing updates we do not want to have to store either the previous
full .deb files nor all of the previous chunks on the system. Instead
we can recreate data.tar from the installed package: we do know which
files belong to the package (dpkg has that information) and we can read
those files and recreate a tarball from them. We can then split that
back into chunks - and reuse any chunks that are still the same during
updates. Thus the installed system is an implicit cache of Debian's
packages, and we don't need to store additional data.

The following would be an example of APT installing a new package:

1. Download the .cdeb for the package.
2. Extract the list of chunks in the package.
3. Download those chunks from the archive
4. Recreate data.tar from these chunks
5. Proceed normally

The following would be an example of APT upgrading an existing package:

1. Download the .cdeb for the package.
2. Extract the list of chunks in the package.
3. Reconstruct a data.tar of the current package with what's currently
   in the filesystem, and apply the same chunking algorithm to it.
4. Any chunks that are common with the new package should be stored in
   the download directory.
5. Download the remaining chunks from the archive.
6. Recreate data.tar from these chunks.
7. Proceed normally

This scheme has a lot of advantages:

 - No need to decide what packages to diff against each other,
   everything "just works"[tm]
 - No need to explicitly cache anything on the client side (no older
   debs etc.)
 - You download only what you actually need. If you haven't modified
   the files installed by a package, an upgrade is going to be cheap.
   If you have you'll need to download more.
 - Deduplication within the archive. I expect that the mirrors will
   actually require less space when using this scheme - in the long
   term at least (see below).
 - Required tooling changes are relatively simple

There are some disadvantages:

 - Obviously this will incur some overhead in case there is no older
   version of a package installed.
 - How to implement this: as we want to support upgrades between Debian
   versions we either have to wait until Buster is released with APT
   supporting this before we change the archive in Bullseye (leading to
   a lot less testing opportunities), _or_ we keep the archive around
   in both formats for at least a release, which would increase the
   mirror sizes quite a bit in the short term
 - You don't have a "single file for a single binary package" concept
   anymore, at least not in transit. You can easily reconstruct such a
   package though
 - Currently packages can set a specific compression level for their
   .deb files if they so require. (For example large game data packages
   might opt to xz -9 to save space, because that might be worth it,
   but you don't want that on all packages, otherwise embedded systems
   might not be able to unpack their own packages due to the RAM
   requirements of xz when used at that level.) But as chunks are
   compressed individually you'll likely have a single compression
   level for all of the chunks. There may be ways around this (i.e.
   detect the compression level when converting and reuse that for the
 - Removing stuff from the archive gets a bit more complicated. We'd
   need a garbage collector for chunks, and an efficient one.

AFAQ (Anticipated frequently asked questions):

Q: How can you reconstruct a tarball from the installed system? Won't
   that change quite a bit? How will you ever be able to get more than
   just a couple of similar chunks out of this scheme?
A: If you modify stuff on your system: yes, the tarball you can
   generate from that will differ from the tarball that is in the .deb.
   However, as we want our .deb files to be reproducible, we are posing
   additional restrictions on the tarballs inside .deb files that are
   not part of the .tar standard. Most importantly the file ordering
   has to be well-defined - and currently this is done via sorting in
   the C locale. If we recreate the tarball from the system with these
   same constrains, we should ideally get an identical tarball back if
   no files are changed.

   Lennart has introduced a different format in his 'casync' tool
   because of three reasons: reproducibility, metadata and
   addressability. The latter two don't apply to us here, so we can
   get away with keeping .tar as our format, and just posing additional
   restrictions on it - which we already due for other reasons in the

   Also, this scheme will not break down if the tarball in the .deb
   doesn't have a predetermined order, it will just not save any
   bandwidth on updates anymore. So even in pathlogical cases we do
   degrade gracefully.

Q: Can I reconstruct a .deb file from a .cdeb and all of its chunks?
A: Yes.*

   * If you use a different version of xz than what was used to
     compress data.tar then the output might differ and it won't be
     bit-by-bit identical. With the same version of xz you should be
     able to get the same .deb file on a bit level. In either case
     the .deb will be functionally equivalent.

Q: Does this actually work?
A: Well, I don't have any code to test just now. But if you watch
   Lennart's talk you can see that the general principle works
   really well.

Q: How much will be saved for incremental updates?
A: Unfortunately I don't know yet.

Q: How much overhead will there be?
A: Unfortunately I don't know yet.

Q: Why keep .control.tar.gz in the .cdebs
A: Because it's metadata, and typically really small, and I do think
   that splitting this up further has no additional benefit. I may
   be wrong about that though.

Q: What about really small packages?
A: I think we should make an exception for tiny packages (for example
   less than 10k) and simply store them directly, as the overhead for
   additional network requests is likely going to be too high in that

Q: What about building Debian packages?
A: That's the beauty of this: people would still upload regular .deb
   packages, so the workflow for developers wouldn't change a single
   bit - and all the chunking magic would happen in the archive.

Q: What about tools like debootstrap etc.?
A: I believe it should be possible to implement this format in
   debootstrap in a relatively straight-forward manner.

Q: What kind of hash functions do you want to use? What kind of
A: I don't know yet. This will have to be best determined via tests.
   I could also imagine that we might want to use different
   parameters for the main archive and e.g. the debug archive.

What are the next steps?

 - First I'd like to get some feedback: what do others here think?

 - If there is positive feedback towards this I'd like to write a tool
   that can convert .deb files into .cdeb + chunks and run that over a
   local copy of the entire archive to get some numbers about this:
   What kind of overhead is there? How much does this type of
   deduplication save? How long does this take?

 - With some numbers there we would then decide if this is something
   that we'd want to implement in dpkg, APT, dak, etc. or not.
Anyway: thoughts?


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