On 6 Feb 2021, at 12:44, Santiago Vila <sanv...@unex.es> wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 06, 2021 at 12:34:07PM +0000, Jessica Clarke wrote:
>> unless you want porters to have to
>> manually build gettext with the nojava profile every time a new version
>> is uploaded
> The reverse of that would be: "Unless you want every package
> maintainer to manually track the java stuff every time a new
> architecture becomes java-enabled or java-disabled).
> I think there are less people porting than people maintaining packages
> using "nojava", so yes, I think porters defining nojava in their
> environments would be a much better solution.

I would love for you to not have to. But like I said, that creates
unbounded work for me as a porter, and I'm providing a patch for you
that works so there is no work needed on your part. If the list ever
changes, that's the responsibility of the porter for the architecture
in question. But "defining nojava in [my] environment" does not solve
the problem as I explained in the text that you unhelpfully trimmed;
wanna-build does not know and so the package will never be autobuilt.
Many other packages in the archive are happy to apply these patches we
provide, I don't get why you're so unwilling to do the same when it'll
only ever change due to changes in debian-ports that we'll provide
patches for. I'm not asking you to do any more tracking than "porter
provides patch -> run patch -p1".


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