Hi all,

I have added gdm as dependency for education-desktop-gnome and education-desktop-lxde.

The point is: I still cannot install a desktop=gnome from the current squeeze image (am I the only person experiencing this???). Cf. #617371.

What I can do is: add the squeeze-test repos of Skolelinux to sources.list. Then I can install education-desktop-gnome and deps... Maybe someone with more knowledge of the internals can take a look???

I have also added desktop-file-utils as a dependency for desktop-lxde. This relates to an experience that you cannot double click on file and launch the related application (xdg-utils) with it. If you ad desktop-file-utils then the double click on files start working. This is probably a workaround for some other bug, I am not sure which package around lxde should actually have desktop-file-utils as dependency...

Shall I add a bug to the tracker that we have to remove this later?



mike gabriel, dorfstr. 27, 24245 barmissen
fon: +49 (4302) 281418, fax: +49 (4302) 281419

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