On Wed, 18 Jan 2012, Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:

> changelog entry:
>   * Add new pwdchange.desktop menu option for networked profiles
>     to make it easier to figure out where to change the password.
> Index: share/debian-edu/networked-kde3/share/applications/pwdchange.desktop
> ===================================================================
> --- share/debian-edu/networked-kde3/share/applications/pwdchange.desktop      
>   (revisjon 0)
> +++ share/debian-edu/networked-kde3/share/applications/pwdchange.desktop      
>   (revisjon 0)
> @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
> +[Desktop Entry]
> +Type=Application
> +Exec=sensible-browser https://www/gosa/
> +Icon=preferences-desktop-user-account
> +Terminal=false
> +X-KDE-StartupNotify=true
> +
> +Name=Change password
> +Name[nb]=Endre passord
> +
> +GenericName=Change LDAP and Kerberos password (web page)
> +GenericName[nb]=Endre LDAP og Kerberos-passord (nettside)
> +Categories=System;

There should be entries for Name and GenericName for other languages, 
too - at least for languages supported by Debian Edu. While entries for 
Name could be copied fron another .desktop file it would be not as easy 
for GenericName I suppose.


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