On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 02:36:44AM -0400, David Prévot wrote:
> For the next RC2 scheduled on Sunday, we plan to upload debian-edu-doc
> Wednesday and Saturday. I intend to do a final synchronization from the
> wiki the day before (respectively Tuesday and Friday) pretty late (I
> live in UTC-4), and proceed to the upload the next day, during the
> European afternoon (or later if you prefer).

Hi David,

for me it should be possible to check in the updated version till then.  
> Hopefully, you'll manage to keep your translations as up to date as
> possible, and if this technique works for the RC2, it will hopefully
> work for the final release too…

Looks like a good plan.
> P.-S.: There were some issues in the 1.4~20120218~6.0.4~rc1 version of
> the manual, so we needed to update it at the last minute, and
> 1.4~20120219~6.0.4~rc1 is not as complete WRT translation, sorry about
> that, we'll do better next time.

Revising the German translation lately I noticed that there's still 
deprecated content on the wiki e.g. reference to staticxx DNS names and 
such. If I find some time, I'll fix it there.

I wonder if it is good after all to document the steps for an upgrade 
from Lenny to Squeeze with all those LDAP related changes. As far as I 
know, that would imply to set up LDAP from scratch. All account related 
stuff would be a great problem too, I suppose.



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