On Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 04:28:54PM +0200, Mike Gabriel wrote:
> I have started a little Perl project (my first Perl project... ;-) )
> that eases life for people who have to mass create user accounts
> (e.g. with GOsa²):
> http://code.it-zukunft-schule.de/gitweb?p=upstream/credential-sheets.git;a=summary
> The project is quite raw still, but I still like to share it.
> Creating handouts for students at a schools is very easy with this
> tool (as opposed to using loffice label printing).
Hi Mike,

really nice, thanks for that. To allow Latex special characters to be 
contained in passwords one could use \verb<delimiting char> <text as it 
is> <delimiting char> instead of \texttt in the password line of your 
templates. (e.g. # or _ in the password string will make pdflatex hang 
if \texttt is used.)

As the delimiting character I've chosen " here for the sake of clarity, 
actually one can use <tab> to allow " as well in the pw string:
--- credentials-students-template.tex   2012-08-13 09:50:26.000000000 +0200
+++ credentials-students-template.tex.working_copy      2012-08-17 
11:18:07.075826628 +0200
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 \bigskip\textbf{\large VAR-givenName VAR-sn}\medskip
 Benutzername: \texttt{VAR-uid}
-Kennwort: \texttt{VAR-userPassword}\smallskip
+Kennwort: \verb" VAR-userPassword "\smallskip
 Klasse: \textsl{VAR-classId}


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