usertag 766328 + debian-edu


On Mittwoch, 22. Oktober 2014, Mike Gabriel wrote:
> Bug has been filed. [1]

great, thanks, now usertagged properly now :)
> Actually, I just realized that I made a mistake in the changelog
> entry. I mixed up dpkg-statoverride and dpkg-divert when writing the
> commit message / changelog entry. That's why you guys could not find
> that change in debian/changelog. Sorry for that!!!

could you please fix that up too?! correct changelogs are really important!
On Mittwoch, 22. Oktober 2014, Mike Gabriel wrote:
> > And besides that, it's just broken design.
> > Also: upgrades. [...]
> This is indeed true. Acknowledged.

I'm glad you see the problem now.

> One approach is to only call update-debian-edu-artwork-<theme> in the
> bin:packages' postinst scripts if it is the current theme in use.

No you don't. You call it unconditionally. I've just read the code again :-D
> Additionaly, we could provide a common script
> "update-debian-edu-artwork <theme>" that calls any of the subscripts
> (if installed) and throws an error if not. This script will switch
> between artworks (a one-liner).

While you seem to see the problem now, you still seem to understand that this 
will not help with non deterministic order of package installation.

> For the installation of a Debian Edu machine, however, we have to call
> update-debian-edu-artwork <theme>" at some point manually then.

No, we use priorities. Lines wins.

> The nice part of this would be, that debian-edu-artwork does not
> change a thing on installation, but requires a manual step. 

That's not nice, thats backward.

Instead of replying to this email, maybe we should chat on irc?


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