Dear Frans Spiesschaert,

> schreef op vr 14-06-2019 om 23:43 [+0900]:
> > Dear Holger Levsen and Frans Spiesschaert,
> > 
> > > On Thu, Jun 13, 2019 at 08:39:29PM +0200, Frans Spiesschaert wrote:
> > > > > Update Japanese translation, thanks to hoxp18
> > > > 
> > > > I am afraid this will cause major problems
> > > 
> > > nothing unfixable... :)
> > 
> > Oops? (I am afraid it, too. Apologies anyway.)
> Apologies accepted.

How merciful you are. Thank you.

> > I could do any method. I stop using Weblate to avoid confusion since
> > yesterday.
> I noticed this.
> But there are still changes to the Japanese translation om Weblate that
> are not yet integrated into the Japanese translation on Salsa.
> Since the updates that you made to salsa were rather minimal, I would
> suggest that you make them to weblate to today.
> Then I will commit the weblate Japanese translation to salsa tomorrow
> and deactivate the Japanese language at weblate.
> So after that has happened tomorrow, you might from that moment on
> safely continue translating using salsa.
> I hope that sound OK to you.

>From me, weblate shows old version yet,
and there are one "FIXME untranslated" section only
as "Strings needed action" on weblate.

e.g.) Source
Debian Edu / Skolelinux Buster 10+edu0 Manual 2019-05-16

So, how about this way in this case?

1. After your "weblate-to-salsa" commit,
2. I check salsa directly, and update/commit/push it ASAP.
3. It's okay to drop some of my recent updates; I have rendered HTML locally.


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