On Sun, Jul 17, 2022 at 7:47 PM Holger Levsen <hol...@layer-acht.org> wrote:

> On Sun, Jul 17, 2022 at 01:09:47PM +0200, Dashamir Hoxha wrote:
> > Maybe this is not the right solution, but in any case, I guess there is
> > something that should be fixed/corrected somewhere.
> I think you should probably file a bug, at least if this is coming from
> a package (and not from some "random" wiki page).

I did not file a bug because a bug has to be reproducible (there should be
clear instructions on how to reproduce the bug).
The steps in http://dashohoxha.fs.al/docs/testing-debian-edu-with-lxd.html
describe what I have done so far.
I noticed that the combination `PROFILE=Main-Server DESKTOP=none bash -x
gives an error (the one that I have described above). however if I add the
Workstation profile, and a desktop, there is no error:
`PROFILE=Main-Server,Workstation DESKTOP=lxde bash -x

So, the good news is that so far I have been able to install the
main-server (I hope correctly). Now I just have to read the docs and to
follow the rest of configuration and installation steps. I am going to
continue after a couple of weeks, since it seems that people are having a
vacation soon.


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