
  I've recently got an eeepc, an Asus 1002HA, and I installed Lenny on
it. I didn't know about the Debian-eeepc project, so I used the
standard Debian installer.

  I have some minor problems, and some questions for experienced eee
Debian users here :-)   :

- reading the Wiki, on the "Models" page, I wonder what is the "Four
  silver hotkeys" and what they are supposed to do ?

- As I didn't install with your custom installer, I tried to setup
afterwards my system to get what you setup in it : I've read
Source/CustomInstaller wiki page, and so installed eeepc-acpi-scripts package, 
but I would like to know what is :
      - "Required modules are added to /etc/modules"
      - the declaration lines for the eeepc.debian.net repository, perhaps with 
a signing key ?

- I had some trouble to install the wifi, as I have a b/g/n adapter, an
Atheros AR928X card, only handled by the ath9k of the 2.6.27 kernel (I
borrowed from DebianKernel repository) : is the 1002HA the only model
with this kind of hardware ?

  Thanks for any tips,

Frédéric Boiteux

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