subnet with some server (fixed public IP addresses), workstation (same, assigned by dhcp), portable (dhcp dynamic), peripherals using only link local fe80:: IPv6 addresses. All was fine until arrived a couple of peripherals that get their IPv4 address via dhcp and there is no way to avoid them to get it, even if you access then only via IPv6 . I have added in the imcluded file that assign always the same address to workstations based on mac addresses record as

host XRX0000AABBCCDD {
   hardware ethernet 00:00:aa:bb:cc:dd;
   option routers;
   option subnet-mask;

but the resut is that while addresse in the "real" subnet assigned to workstations works fine an are correctly assigned, peripherals insist on getting public addresses from the pool of portables, that is something i do not want.
How can i assign completely invalid (or better, unrouted) IPv4 addresses ?

Leonardo Boselli
tel +39 0552758808  +39 3488605348

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