I have often set isc-dhcpd to give to each device its address, or to any device from a pool of addresses. Now the number of "auathorized" devices has grown a lot (more than 300) but the pool is only about 90 addrresses. I know that is impossible that were active more than that number, and normally will be only around 40 ones, but i cannot give a fixed address to each one, since i cannot know if a certain couple will be presetn at same time, so i have to use a pool, on the other side i need to give access only to machines known , so i have to resort on other system. Looking at manual I should declare a class of allowed users (that is mac addresses) and allow only them to use a public address, while assinging to other ones a private one. What is NOT clear to me is how to set a class including some hundreds mac addresses ... since all the examples I have seen use matches or other cases.
any hint ?
Leonardo Boselli
Università di Firenze
tel:+39 0552758808  +39 3488605348

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