Please don't send html mails to the lists.

If you do not show us the errors you get, nobody can help you, so
which errors does configure show?

btw, there is a mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] which might be more
appropirate for your request. This list is used for topics around
Debian's GCC versions.


Rui Fernandes writes:
> Hi again,
> I'm trying to install in Debian a particular version of GCC. I've
> downloaded from GNU the file gcc-3-3-1.tar.gz. In "/root" I created
> a directory called "temp" where I placed the file. In "temp" I run
> the command "tar zxvf gcc-3.3.1.tar.gz" that extracted all the files
> to the directory "gcc-3.3.1". In temp, I created a new directory
> called "obj". In "obj" I run the command line
> "/root/temp/gcc-3.3.1/configure". The program started to run. The
> problem is that it gave two errors at the end. Then I ran install,
> and it gave error again. I think I made all the right steps - I
> followed the manual: created a separate dir for the GCC to be built;
> didn't define a target so it assumes the host=target, etc...
> What am I doing wrong? Did I dowloaded the wrong package? Is there
> some other command option I should have given?
> I'm struggling against time friends. Can someone help me please?
> Regards,
> Rui Fernandes
> Porto - Portugal

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