Package: gcc-4.6
Version: 4:4.6.2-12
Severity: important


Looking at a FTBFS bug on armhf in the pytables package. gcc-4.6 seems
to be emitting NEON code even when explicitly told not to:

(sid)93sam@harris:~$ gcc -c typeconv.c -march=armv7-a -mfloat-abi=hard 
-mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mthumb -o typeconv.o
(sid)93sam@harris:~$ objdump -D typeconv.o | grep vldr
  a8:   ed93 6b00       vldr    d6, [r3]
  ae:   ed93 7b00       vldr    d7, [r3]
  be:   ed9f 7b44       vldr    d7, [pc, #272]  ; 1d0 
 118:   ed9f 7b2f       vldr    d7, [pc, #188]  ; 1d8 

There's other NEON code in the assembly output too, the grep is just
to show an example...

The single small source file is attached.
 *      License: BSD
 *      Created: December 21, 2004
 *      Author:  Ivan Vilata i Balaguer - reverse:net.selidor@ivan
 *      Modified:
 *        Function inlining and some castings for 64-bit adressing
 *        Francesc Alted 2004-12-27
 *      $Source: /cvsroot/pytables/pytables/src/typeconv.c,v $
 *      $Id$

/* Type conversion functions for PyTables types which are stored
 * with a different representation between numpy and HDF5.

#define PY_LONG_LONG long long

#include <math.h>
#include <assert.h>

#if (!defined _ISOC99_SOURCE && !defined __USE_ISOC99)
long int lround(double x)
  double trunx;

  if (x > 0.0) {
    trunx = floor(x);
    if (x - trunx >= 0.5)
      trunx += 1;
  } else {
    trunx = ceil(x);
    if (trunx - x >= 0.5)
      trunx -= 1;

  return (long int)(trunx);
#endif  /* !_ISOC99_SOURCE && !__USE_ISOC99 */

void conv_float64_timeval32(void *base,
			    unsigned long byteoffset,
			    unsigned long bytestride,
			    PY_LONG_LONG nrecords,
			    unsigned long nelements,
			    int sense)
  PY_LONG_LONG  record;
  unsigned long  element, gapsize;
  double  *fieldbase;
  union {
    PY_LONG_LONG  i64;
    double  f64;
  } tv;

  assert(bytestride > 0);
  assert(nelements > 0);

  /* Byte distance from end of field to beginning of next field. */
  gapsize = bytestride - nelements * sizeof(double);

  fieldbase = (double *)((unsigned char *)(base) + byteoffset);

  for (record = 0;  record < nrecords;  record++) {
    for (element = 0;  element < nelements;  element++) {
      if (sense == 0) {
	/* Convert from float64 to timeval32. */
	tv.i64 = (((PY_LONG_LONG)(*fieldbase) << 32)
		  | (lround((*fieldbase - (int)(*fieldbase)) * 1e+6)
		     & 0x0ffffffff));
	*fieldbase = tv.f64;
      } else {
	/* Convert from timeval32 to float64. */
	tv.f64 = *fieldbase;
	/* the next computation is 64 bit-platforms aware */
	*fieldbase = 1e-6 * (int)tv.i64 + (tv.i64 >> 32);

    fieldbase = (double *)((unsigned char *)(fieldbase) + gapsize);

    /* XXX: Need to check if this works on platforms which require
       64-bit data to be aligned.  ivb(2005-01-07) */

  assert(fieldbase == (base + byteoffset + bytestride * nrecords));

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