On Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 11:23:41PM +0200, Matthias Klose wrote:
>On 21.04.2016 20:08, Ondřej Surý wrote:
>>>From reading the bug comments I can see both sides of the argument, so
>>why we don't ship just two versions that would be exchangeable - one
>>with symbols and one (default) stripped?
>>The stripped one would be installed by default and if you need to
>>produce trace, you would install the second variant. GCC plugins also
>>could depend on unstripped variant of the package. That would provide
>>both parties what they need.
>so how do the unstripped ones get installed by default on porter boxes? How
>are the unstripped ones installed on the buildds by default?

By talking to the admins of those boxes, maybe? The setup on those is
already heavily scripted, so hopefully shouldn't be too difficult to

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                st...@einval.com
"We're the technical experts.  We were hired so that management could
 ignore our recommendations and tell us how to do our jobs."  -- Mike Andrews

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