Just to be clear (sorry I didn't say so): I'm not advocating proceeding
with the gfortran-8 change for _all_ fortran codes, just the (part of)
the chains that ship / depend on .mod files.



On 09/05/2018 11:56, Alastair McKinstry wrote:
> Testing, and fixing the FTBFS bugs. For most of gcc / g++ we can just
> fix the bugs "in-situ"  in preparation for the changeover to default.
> For Fortran, the changes in the mod file format means that packages
> that  need the new mod files wont build, and so can't be further tested.
> e.g. metview is a mix of Fortran and C++, and regularly breaks on g++
> changes (its got a bunch of old C++ code in it, not very standards
> compliant). But it FTBFS because it needs grib_api.mod from eccodes, so
> I need to force gfortran-8 for eccodes and metview to test.
> On 09/05/2018 11:33, Matthias Klose wrote:
>> Hi,
>> is there a reason to go ahead with the gfortran-8 change, before we make GCC 
>> 8
>> the default?
>> Thanks, Matthias
Alastair McKinstry, <alast...@sceal.ie>, <mckins...@debian.org>, 
Misentropy: doubting that the Universe is becoming more disordered. 

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