Oskari Pirhonen <xxc3ncore...@gmail.com> writes:

> [[PGP Signed Part:Undecided]]
> On Tue, Apr 18, 2023 at 16:07:45 +0200, Florian Weimer wrote:
>> Gentoo has been fixing various packages for building with Clang, which
>> covers a superset of the issues that need to be addressed:
>>   [TRACKER] Support LLVM/Clang as alternative system compiler 
>>   <https://bugs.gentoo.org/showdependencytree.cgi?id=408963&hide_resolved=0>
>> IIRC, Gentoo has its own mechanism to detect silent build breakage, but
>> I think it's mostly focused on autoconf, so it's less comprehensive, and
>> also fixes the stuff that is actually relevant to the distribution.
> For Gentoo, I wrote (with some help from others) this QA check [1] which
> Portage uses to scan Autoconf, CMake, and Meson config logs for implicit
> function declarations. It's inspired by a similar bit of code from the
> Macports folks [2] and written with both Clang and GCC in mind.
> It should be possible to adapt for use by others if you feed it the
> right dirs and replace a few functions (`has` and `eqa*` OTTOMH) since
> nothing about the core logic is Portage-specific.
> Although not so much for silent failures, but maybe still useful for
> someone, there's also this QA check [3] which is used to detect other
> warnings at build-time.

Note for others: this is distinct from the initial approach we took (and
are still using) with compiler wrapping and diffing old/new config.log
which Florian was referring to.

> - Oskari


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