Klaus Ethgen a écrit :
> Hash: SHA512
> Hello Bart,
> Am Mo den  1. Mär 2010 um 15:13 schrieb Bart Martens:
>> This is the example in "man strptime":
> [...]
>> As we can see, there's no "memset" initializing the entire tm structure.
>> It would be nice to have a "memset" added in this example, to illustrate
>> the text "that tm should be initialized before the call".
> I can support this. Would be very helpful. It should be easy to do the
> change in the man page only but a note to the upstream could be useful
> as well to share that to other distributions too.
> I would also note in the description of the tm struct that they could be
> other members not listen in the man page. Otherwise some could see it a
> way to initialize all listed members explicit.

the best for that would be to fill a bug against manpages-dev which
contains this manpage.

Aurelien Jarno                          GPG: 1024D/F1BCDB73
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