On Thu, 11 Jan 2018, Aurelien Jarno wrote:
> > 10:32 <juliank> So libc6-dev-amd64:i386 should Conflicts: 
> > libc6-dev-i386:amd64
> > 10:32 <juliank> and vice versa
> > 
> > So it's probably time to revisit this.
> Does it also now support cross-architecture "self"-conflicts? (see
> bug#747261 for more details). With what you told me we can indeed fix a
> few cases, but not the main ones. For example we need libc6-dev-x32:amd64
> to conflict with libc6-dev-x32:i386.

I don't think that you need this since those packages are not "Multi-Arch:
same" and hence apt/dpkg will not try to install them together.

I'm still putting Julian in copy in case he has something else to add
on this topic.

Raphaël Hertzog ◈ Debian Developer

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