Javier Serrano Polo, on sam. 27 janv. 2018 04:02:54 +0100, wrote:
> > > The way I see the ABIs, /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, /lib/ld.so.1,
> > > /libexec/ld-elf.so.1, etc. are magic strings, not requirements for the
> > > filesystem.
> > 
> > That's hiding the actual ABI meaning.
> I do not think so. The ABI is just an interface, it says: "My executable
> will ask for this interpreter". I say: "Okay, let me handle the
> implementation details".

And you hide that in the kernel, while the ABI says it's a path.

> I will not hide this fact. Tools like gdb and valgrind fail with /lib64
> programs, which is not a problem since I usually recompile to fix a bug
> or a leak.

You can't always recompile programs.

> In the unusual case that I must audit /lib64 programs, I grab
> a read-write environment and add a symlink. If there were complaints, I
> would adapt those tools.

You can't always adapt tools.


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