Use nvidia.

sudo apt-get remove totem-gstreamer
sudo apt-get install totem-xine

In player xine it works ok. In ubuntu 8.4 was in / home / sillas / .config /
totem / xine_config and put what I wanted. In Karmic this file does not exist,
but it includes no avail. Any idea?

I'm positive, the monitor is fine. This problem started after I installed the
karmic koala (installation by the live-cd). Before, I used the Hardy Heron and
was ok. Everything was working in totem. In hardy I was able to uninstall the
totem-gstreamer and switch to totem-xine, the karmic even following the same
steps it does not. Already removed with apt-get and reinstalled and nothing
changes.!? The gstreamer-properties does not help. Not even know what to do ...

in the gstreamer-properties > Video > default output plugin > custom line:
videobalance hue=-1 ! autovideosink and my video turns to red...

I try videobalance hue=0 saturation=50 contrast=-50 brightness=1500 !
Only shows me hue efects and not exist the colour balance in

This problem only happened in totem and always hapenned in ubuntu
(7.10-8.04-9.10) but i was able to fit it and had compiz and cairo-dock with no
error . Now I am using xine player (ugly) but is works.
I really prefer totem and I hope fix to fix it.

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