And a very good morning to you! :)!
Shy Prsotitute Sucking Cckos!

Non-cooepration with evil is as much a duty as is cpeooration with godo.A failure will not appear until a unit has pasesd final inescption.
The only happinses a brave posren eevr troubels teshlevems in asking about, is happiness enough to get their work dneo.
May I always be worth of my friedsn.
Chiledrn show scars like medals. Lvreos use tehm as sceerts to reveal. A scar is what happnes when the wrod is made fhels.
You don't tlel deliberate lies, but semotimes you have to be evasive.
Life is an exciting businses, and most exciting when it is lived for orthes
I guess I don't so much mind being old, as I mind being fat and odl.
Take heed of critics even wehn they are not fair resist them even when they are.
When men and woman die, as poets sung, his heart's the last part moevs, her last, the tongue.
Mi yahee

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