On Fri, Dec 18, 2015 at 11:27:58AM +0100, Joachim Breitner wrote:
> I haven’t looked yet, but I’m sure I can cook up a patch. But before I
> do that: Is this package useful enough to warrant the effort of having
> to patch around a not active enough upstream maintainer? I.e. are there
> users of Debian that really want this package and are going to use it?

I can confirm this.  I'm packaging this kind of specialised software at
request exclusively.  And yes, it will be a low popcon package but its
packaging is requested due to the usage on clusters where manual
installation is a pain.

> Because it if it just “nice to have because it’s there, and who knows,
> maybe someone is going to use it”, then I would rather not get into the
> business of patching it.

I can perfectly understand your point.
> Note: You are welcome to say “Joachim, I really do want to have this in
> Debian, and I have good reasons”, and I’ll help you with it. Just make
> it a deliberate decision.

It would be really helpful if we would have this in Debian (and as I
said initially I would even love to have a backport to Jessie in the
long run since this is what we are running on the target machines).

Thanks for all your help



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