Hi Tobias,

Quoting Tobias Ruff (2020-12-17 18:12:33)
> There is currently no Debian package of pandoc-crossref 
> (https://github.com/lierdakil/pandoc-crossref) which is available as a 
> cabal package.
> There was a packaging request a while ago on 
> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=822173;msg=2
> I have Ubuntu 18.04 installed and I'm actually not sure, whether it's 
> legitimate to write to the Debian list in this case
> Getting the code via cabal is possible, but this version would not work 
> with the older version of pandoc in Ubuntu/Debian. Moreover, it requires 
> quite a bit of dependencies for building it, which are not necessary for 
> a typical end user.
> What works pretty well is installing pandoc and pandoc-crossref via 
> (Ana)conda, but I prefer Debian package to keep my OS installation 
> clean.
> Therefore I tried to generate the package on my own.
> Running `cabal-debian` in a clone of the repository works well.
> I went on to follow the guidlines on 
> https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/DebianHaskellGroup/CollabMaint/GettingStarted#Build_the_Debian_Package
> (which by the way contain a small typo: "cd DHG_packages/p/haskel-$pkg" 
> should be "cd DHG_packages/p/haskell-$pkg" - "haskell" with double-l), 
> but failed due to missing dependencies in the `mk-build-deps` step.
> How would you approach this problem?

The way forward as a mere user (be that a direct user or indirect via 
Ubuntu) is to file a bugreport and hope that it doesn't suffer same fate 
as the older one.  Or more elegantly, reopen the old bugreport and 
posting to it your indication that despite being old there is still some 
interest in it.

Then you locate the addresses of potential maintainers and send them 
chocolate or beer or money until someone notices and start caring for 
this packaging request.  My address is.. No, just kidding! :-)

To do more than just wait, you can join the team (you need not be 
official Debian member to join!) and help do the packaging yourself. 
Yes, at first that most likely means packaging an older version which 
works with the set of Haskell libraries we have currently in Debian, and 
then when the whole library stack gets upgraded your package (may need 
renewed packaging tweaks and then) gets upgraded as well.

The alternative approach is, as you sort-of say yourself, to bypass 
Debian and build the package some other way.  That might be simpler at 
first but painful to maintain, or the other way around, or all great - I 
really don't know, because my interest is the collective Debian way.

Hope that helps (a bit),

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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