Quoting Sven Bartscher (2022-11-25 13:02:44)
> TL;DR if you think changing the maintainer addresses of your packages 
> helps you deal with them, go for it, but try not to take it as a reason 
> to reduce the ongoing collaboration with the rest of the team.

I am not planning on _reducing_ my attention to pandoc or other
Haskell-based packages that I am involved in maintaining.

I am fine leaving the Maintainer field as-is, but that's kinda bogus and
confusing.  I am not fine _expanding_ my involvement in the Haskell
team, which is the reason I suggest a third option of formally moving
"my" packages out of the Haskell team, and then continue the kind of
casual coordination we've done in the past also.

My question here is if some in the team think I am missing something and
moving formally out of the Haskell team effectively means loosing out on
some maintenance work I am unaware of.  Or perhaps that the better
solution is to change maintainer field but *not* subscribe to the list
(which seems wrong to me, but maybe someone has experience that
bugreports are also sent to Uploaders so it doesn't matter much).

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/
 * Sponsorship: https://ko-fi.com/drjones

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