bash protests that it can't find `mesg' program when I log in
bash is of course right, because there is no `mesg' installed,
and `mesg' is part of sysvinit, so it's corrrect it's not installed

but why does bash need `mesg' ?

Famous I/O problem

I tried to check if VGA registers are the only ones affected
And no, much more are affected
Here's CMOS reporting program

--- start ---
#include <mach/machine/pio.h>

int main() {
int i,j;
printf ("CMOS content report\n\n");
for (i=0;i<0x40;i++) {
  outb (0x70,i);
  j=inb (0x71);
  printf ("Cell $%d(0x%x) = %d\n",i,i,j);
printf ("End of Report\n");
return 0;
--- end ---

outb is:

#define outb(port, val) \
({ asm volatile("outb %0, %1" : : "a" ((unsigned char)(val)) , "d" ((unsigned 
short)(port))); })

Therefore there are these possibile reasons, why it is possible to r/w hardware 
ports :
- I/O Permision Level is way too low
  but asm(pushfl) says IOPL=0 (kernel only)
- user programs run in kernel space
  I hope not, no test was done
- Mach gives default permision to every program to use all hardware ports
  No test was done yet

I have problems with networking
There is no eth, only loopback should be used

telnet doesn't work

tail of syslog - last two days (there was more than 1 run/day) :
--- start ---
May  2 12:40:41 localhost syslogd: restart
May  2 12:40:41 localhost inetd[29]: ftp/tcp: socket: Translator died
May  2 12:40:41 localhost inetd[29]: finger/tcp: socket: Translator died
May  2 12:40:41 localhost inetd[29]: telnet/tcp: socket: Translator died
May  2 12:40:41 localhost inetd[29]: shell/tcp: socket: Translator died
May  2 12:40:42 localhost inetd[29]: login/tcp: socket: Translator died
May  2 12:40:42 localhost inetd[29]: exec/tcp: socket: Translator died
May  2 12:40:42 localhost inetd[29]: ident/tcp: socket: Translator died
May  2 12:40:42 localhost inetd[29]: smtp/tcp: socket: Translator died
May  3 19:04:21 localhost syslogd: restart
May  3 19:04:20 localhost inetd[29]: ftp/tcp: socket: Translator died
May  3 19:04:21 localhost inetd[29]: finger/tcp: socket: Translator died
May  3 19:04:21 localhost inetd[29]: telnet/tcp: socket: Translator died
May  3 19:04:21 localhost inetd[29]: shell/tcp: socket: Translator died
May  3 19:04:21 localhost inetd[29]: login/tcp: socket: Translator died
May  3 19:04:21 localhost inetd[29]: exec/tcp: socket: Translator died
May  3 19:04:21 localhost inetd[29]: ident/tcp: socket: Translator died
May  3 19:04:21 localhost inetd[29]: smtp/tcp: socket: Translator died
--- end ---

Every time I `ls -l /servers/socket'
It prints :
`2 - translator died'
(then normal list)

mc says : `file 2 exists but can't be stated'

showtrans says /servers/socket/2 is /hurd/pfinet -i=rfsd

Is there any fatfs translator ?

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