
From our FTPMaster meeting 2011 minutes[1]:

- In a discussion with the Debian Hurd porters it was decided that the
  Hurd port stays on FTPMaster until Wheezy is released. Should they
  have managed to get the port into a state that it is released together
  with all the others (probably as a technology preview), it is kept in
  the archive. Should they not manage this the port will be removed from
  the main archive and move fully to debian-ports.org. It may then
  reenter the main archive whenever it is ready to get released with the
  next release. (Obviously when we say "move to debian-ports" this does
  not  mean we expect the debian-ports people to "just eat it". They are
  running their archive and may have their own needs and pre-conditions
  prior to accepting a port, like getting help with the work that needs
  to be done or with the hardware for it, so any port who has to look
  for  new place should ensure to coordinate with the involved people.)
  In case it does not work out with debian-ports.org, the removal from
  main will still be done, but we are confident that the teams can work
  out something acceptable.

Well. I don't see it in Wheezy.

Though I remember something along the lines of "if it enters testing
(aka jessie) right after wheezy is out, it's fine too". I don't know if
it will, and it is not my call. Thats why -release is CCed.

So, release people: How likely is it that Hurd gets added to jessie?
Within the next one or two months I mean, not "maybe in a years
time". :)

[1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2011/03/msg00015.html

bye, Joerg
You tried your best and failed miserably. The lesson is: never try.

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